Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Cabinet
Wednesday, 5th December, 2018 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Wednesday, 5th December, 2018 10.00 am (Item 124.)

To consider a report from the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Education, Learning and Skills.


The Cabinet considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Education, Learning and Skills which proposed a change to the wording in the current Home to School Transport Assistance Eligibility Policy for Children and Young People Attending School 2019-20 in order to increase the independence of SEND children as they moved through their journey towards adulthood.  The change would provide greater equality between mainstream home to school transport and SEND transport and also help to reduce costs.


Cllr Parry presented the report and his speech is attached as an annexure to these minutes.


Cllr Nick Ireland supported statements made by members of the public and his colleague Cllr Jefferies.  His speech is attached as an annexure to these minutes along with the statements received, that had been read out to members, from Cllr Jefferies, Mrs Patterson, Ms Sorin, Mr and Mrs Evans and the Dorset Parent-Carer Council.


Cllr Haynes made reference to her own personal circumstances where in the past her son had Special Educational Needs and she was therefore acutely aware of the sense of feeling of parents and the importance of this service to families.


The Director for Children’s Services advised members that he had not in fact given any quotes to the Dorset Echo.  Selective parts of the report had been used and published in the paper.  He highlighted the issue of consultation and the financial specifics of the proposal in the report. 


In response to comments in the statements that had been read out, the Assistant Director for Schools and Learning advised that there were no proposals to remove services from those that currently used the service.  For new applications the option of a Personal Transport Budget (PTB) would be offered.  None of the cases that had been referred to earlier in the meeting would be affected as the policy did not make reference to high need cases.  It was more about changing the conversation and assessing if there was any way independence could be increased by looking at risk in respect of the journey. He felt that not many people would be affected in the first instance.


Cllr Turner whilst approving the promotion of independence from child to adulthood highlighted the need to ensure robust processes were in place and that it was safe.  He was concerned about who would be assessing the pick-up points, as the only officers qualified to do this were the Road Safety Team, who had not been approached to determine resources or the impact on their workload which would undoubtedly increase.  He also raised a concern about the lack of consultation.  The Assistant Director advised that each case would be looked at individually and if it needed to be referred to the Road Safety Team it would be on a case by case basis.  He stressed there were no plans to change anything in respect of children with high need.


At this point the Chairman decided to withdraw the paper as there was a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding this proposal. She apologised to the members of the public who had attended for this matter and asked officers to bring this report back at a later date in a form which had been consulted upon, agreed and could be properly understood.



That the report in its current form be withdrawn and be reworked and to come back to Cabinet at a later date.

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